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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Right Way to Open Life" is a contemporary urban drama starring Huang Bo, Mei Ting and Zhu Zhu. The story revolves around a 42-year-old middle-aged man, Bian Liang. Although it has not yet started broadcasting, everyone wants to know the final ending What is it, are Bian Liang and his wife Fu Xintong divorced?

Bian Liang is the sales director of a certain group. He has a gentle personality and is approachable. After he turned 40, he became more and more confused, which made him very distressed. Bian Liang has high expectations for his son Bian Xiaofang, but Bian Xiaofang is indifferent and quiet, doesn't fight or grab, always pays attention to going with the flow, and has no drive, so the relationship between father and son is not good.

Bian Liang encountered many things at the age of forty-two. Crisis in his life followed one after another. His career was stuck in a bottleneck period and he could not break through. He was stuck in the same place and his original plan was seriously hindered. Not only that, but Bian Liang's marriage also had problems. With the appearance of his first girlfriend Dong Xiao and his female assistant Wen Caocao, the marriage between Bian Liang and Fu Xintong turned red.

Fu Xintong stays at home to take care of her husband and children all year round. She has no contact with the outside world. Her heart is closed and sensitive. When she learns that Bian Liang has other women around her, she will definitely think wildly. After all, Fu Xintong has no career and is the only one. Fu Xintong's only reliance is Bian Liang. If Bian Liang betrays her, then Fu Xintong will lose everything.

After Bian Xiaofang ran away from home, the conflict between Fu Xintong and Bian Liang was on the verge of breaking out, and Fu Xintong also suffered from depression as a result. As a middle-aged man, Bian Liang can only move forward, maintain his career and family, and find solutions to problems. So what is Bian Liang's final outcome? He re-examined himself, Bian Liang helped his wife get out of depression, reconciled with relatives and friends, and found the right way to open up life. This is the ending of speculation.

Bian Liang is the protagonist of this drama. His life experience is the biggest highlight. Whether it is career or relationship, Bian Liang can find an outlet in a crisis, complete self-transformation, and is full of positive energy.