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【英文介绍/For English】:

In the early morning of October 19th, Gillian posted a photo of her face to celebrate Huangfu Shenghua's birthday, sparking heated discussions among netizens. There were rumors before that Gillian and Huangfu Shenghua were in a new relationship. Regardless of whether they are together or not, the two must have a good relationship. Otherwise, Gillian would not have specially celebrated Huangfu Shenghua's birthday.

Later, Gillian added in the comment area, "Don't worry, I still love my Sa the most." I still remember that some media photographed Huangfu Shenghua kissing Gillian's cheek at a party. It's hard not to think of the relationship between the two. , at that time, Hong Kong media also carried the news that Gillian had a new relationship, but Gillian did not admit it. Now Gillian has taken intimate photos with Huangfu Shenghua. I don’t know what the relationship between the two is.

Some netizens said that Huangfu Shenghua looks like Edison Chen, and a bit like Yin Zheng. Everyone knows that Edison Chen was once with Gillian, so some people speculate that Gillian still remembers Edison Chen in her heart. Of course, there is no evidence. Netizens are just talking about it. It can only be said that Gillian really likes people with looks like Edison Chen.

Everyone must be curious about who Huangfu Shenghua is. First of all, you need to know that Huangfu Shenghua is a girl. She is said to be the second generation of rich people. It is not clear whether it is true or not. Huangfu Shenghua is 34 years old this year and was born in Shanghai. Rolls-Royce and mansions appear in the photos he took. He often wears designer clothes and usually travels on a yacht. That’s why some people think that Huangfu Shenghua’s family is well off.

Huangfu Shenghua's grandfather was a famous entrepreneur. She studied dance since she was a child, loved music, and later entered the entertainment industry. Huangfu Shenghua is an Internet celebrity and is now the manager of the samay brand. He is 170cm tall. In addition, Huangfu Shenghua once studied in the United States. After graduating from university, he went to the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing to further his studies in music.

Huangfu Shenghua is very popular in the entertainment industry. In addition to Gillian, Myolie Wu and Zhou Yutong are also her good friends. The relationship between Gillian and Huangfu Shenghua should be just that of best friends. The two often play together. To say that their relationship is not just pure is to think too much.