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珠江人家》 食评人谭耀亨想通过群众舆论让广州酒家分干股给他。


【英文介绍/For English】:

"Pearl River Family" food critic Tam Yaoheng wants to use public opinion to get Guangzhou Restaurant to give him shares.

Tam Yaoheng published an article in a newspaper, criticizing the food at Guangzhou Restaurant for being extremely poor, especially the fried beef with kale, which was completely substandard. Nowadays, the business of big restaurants in Guangzhou has become deserted. People believe in the words of food critics, so almost no one patronizes them anymore. Because of this, instead of offending such scoundrels, taking a step back may lead to a brighter future. Because food critics are very influential, Xian Zhongjun and Huang Qiquan attach great importance to this matter. They know that Tan Yaoheng likes to blackmail major restaurants by making things difficult and harsh, but there is nothing they can do against him. At this time, Xian Zhongjun and Huang Qiquan were entertaining Tan Yaoheng with wine and food, and were willing to give him the stock from the big restaurant as a gift for peace. Tan Yaoheng immediately accepted it without shirk. During the conversation, Chen Wei barged in and scolded Tam Yao Heng for making a fuss about himself because he was coveting the shares of a big restaurant. Such despicable and shameless behavior was an insult to food critics.