






【英文介绍/For English】:

How did Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi meet?

1. Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi met at an accidental music festival. At that time, Wang Feng was a guest performer and Zhang Ziyi was an audience member.

2. In addition, Zhang Ziyi's parents like to play mahjong. They lost a lot of money in a casino, and Wang Feng later helped them win it back. Then Zhang Ziyi went to thank Wang Feng on behalf of her parents.

3. Since then, the relationship between Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng has been getting better and better. From being ambiguous to falling in love and then getting married, everything went smoothly.

In what year did Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi get married?

Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi got married in 2015. They registered their marriage in May. We only got the news in November and planned a replacement wedding banquet after the birth of their daughter.