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【英文介绍/For English】:

After watching the TV series "Hurricane", many people were attracted by Chen Shuting's actor, Gao Ye. Curious about the profile, how old is she? Some people can't tell the difference between Gao Ye and Liu Xiyuan. Are they the same person?

Gao Ye has acted in many excellent film and television works, but it is a pity that the celebrities in the drama are not popular, and many people have never even heard of Gao Ye's name. Judging from Gao Ye's performance in the play, her acting skills are very good, she is a very capable actor, and she is very low-key in the circle, so some people don't know her well.

Gao Ye is from Jiangsu, and her parents are in business. She became the captain of the school's rhythmic gymnastics team in junior high school because of her height advantage. She is good at singing and dancing, full of literary and artistic atmosphere. Gao Ye graduated from Beijing Film Academy. She entered the showbiz in 2010 and starred in the movie "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree". After that, Gao Ye appeared in the play as a supporting role. Her film and television masterpieces include "Young Marshal" , "Ao Ai Nan Nanny", "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" and "The Illustrated Book of Hunting Crimes", etc.

Everyone is curious about Gao Ye's age, because the information only shows that her birthday is December 6, without mentioning her specific birth year. It is reported that Gao Ye should have been born in 1988 and is 34 years old this year. Some people say she was born in 1991.

Gao Ye was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy in 2006. Judging by the age of college students, Gao Ye was at least 18 years old at the time. If we push it back, Gao Ye should be about 32 years old. It is said on the Internet that she was born in 1991, right? It's very reliable, she can't be admitted to university at the age of fifteen, so Gao Ye should be in her early thirties, and the exact age is unknown.

Some people can't tell the difference between Gao Ye and Liu Xiyuan. They do look alike and belong to the same type of beauties, but they are not alone. If you look carefully, Gao Ye and Liu Xiyuan can still be distinguished. Those who are not familiar with them would feel like.