据哈哈娱乐网网站「永不落的梦想」消息,近日,宁安如梦平南王谋反真相揭秘 薛定非代替太子赴死引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Ning'an Like a Dream" is adapted from "Kunning", and the plot revolves around the stories that happened to Jiang Xuening and Xie Wei. Judging from the previous episodes, Xie Wei's life experience is not simple, and he seems to have a close intersection with Ping Nan Wang. Everyone I’m curious about the truth behind King Pingnan’s rebellion? Who is Xie Wei?

Twenty years ago, King Pingnan rebelled and invaded the imperial city. The old emperor escaped because he was recovering from illness. At that time, Xue Dingfei and his mother were attending a banquet in the palace. After the incident happened, they escaped through a secret passage, thinking they could escape. Reinforcements came to rescue them, but King Pingnan ordered the arrest of all the children in the city in order to force them to show up.

It was snowing heavily that day, and all the children were wearing thin clothes and kneeling in the snow, and then asked their father-in-law to confirm their identities one by one. As a result, no one was the prince. King Pingnan ordered them to hand over the prince within three days. , if the real prince is not found, then these three hundred children will die tragically under his knife,

Xue Dingfei is the child of the Yan family and the Xue family, and is also Yan Lin's cousin. He and the royal family have a shared destiny, so he naturally supports the late emperor. King Pingnan is the late emperor's brother. After the late emperor ascended the throne, he took Pingnan into his own hands. The king sent him to the fiefdom, and King Pingnan raised private soldiers in order to seize the throne one day.

When King Pingnan entered the palace, the queen and the prince had already escaped. He refused to give up and threatened the lives of 300 children. Xue Dingfei, who was similar to the prince, was in the palace. He was also familiar with the affairs of the palace and could fake the truth , Xue Dingfei's mother did not agree, and the queen threatened Xue Dingfei with her life to die in place of the prince.

At that time, everyone thought that Xue Dingfei was dead, but his mother did not believe it. She kept looking for the whereabouts of her child, and finally died of depression. Xue Dingfei's uncle, Yong Yihou, never gave up looking for Xue Dingfei. In fact, Xue Dingfei did not die, but changed his name to Xie Wei. Twenty years later, Xie Wei came back for revenge. He wanted the royal family to pay the price. The life of the king is life, and the life of the minister is also life. He hated himself His incompetence did not change his fate. If he had not died, his mother would not have died either.