






【英文介绍/For English】:

Are there any prototype characters in the movie hot searches?

1. The movie "Hot Search" has a prototype character. Yue Peng, played by Yuan Hong, is based on Wang Jie. He violated dozens of young girls in the name of being a student aid.

2. Wang Jie is the protagonist of the famous Baise Student Aid Network incident. He has a large number of videos of assaulting girls and uses them as publicity capital to win over his boss.

3. Anyone who has learned about the Baise Student Aid Network incident will be disgusted by Wang Jie's behavior, and Yue Peng in "Hot Search" is based on Wang Jie.

Movie Hot Search Who played Winnie?

Winnie in the movie "Hot Search" is played by Zhong Chenyao. She plays an intern in the movie, opposite the heroine, and her acting skills are very good.