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【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, some netizens broke the news that Lin Yun and Sun Chenjun were suspected of being in love. The two of them called into the same hotel for dinner. After the meal, Lin Yun and other friends went back to the hotel together, while Sun Chenjun and another friend also returned to the same hotel after buying something. Hotel, is this a coincidence? Everyone was talking about this. Some people were curious about Sun Chenjun's personal information and what he did.

Sun Chenjun is also an actor like Lin Yun, but Sun Chenjun has just entered the entertainment industry, and his popularity is still in the accumulation stage. Sun Chenjun was born in 1996, from Xuzhou, Jiangsu, and graduated from the School of Economics and Management of Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He is 188cm tall. He is a new generation actor and does not have much exposure.

Sun Chenjun entered the entertainment industry in 2018, when he participated in "This!" "Slam Dunk Season 1" and joining Jay Chou's team was his first step into the entertainment industry. After that, Sun Chenjun starred in film and television works such as "If the Voice Can't Remember", "Qing Ya Ji" and "Yunzhi Yu". He also participated in "Actors Please Take Your Place".

Sun Chenjun once played in the CBA in Jiangsu Tongxi and was very strong. Later, an accident occurred and Sun Chenjun was injured. In order to recuperate, he did not touch basketball for three years. This is very painful for a person who loves basketball. Fortunately, he is now Find a new career direction and become an actor. As long as he works hard, he will definitely have good development.

"The Feather of the Clouds" is Sun Chenjun's famous work. The character Jin Fan he played in it won the love of many audiences. He and Jin Jing's cp was also from the scene to the scene, and Jin Fan's character is very touching. , his feelings for the eldest lady are really easy to attract. No wonder some people think that Sun Chenjun and Jin Jing are a good match.

In reality, Sun Chenjun and Jin Jing are friends and partners, but they are not together. Jin Jing has a boyfriend. She also acted because she likes to be an actor. She and Sun Chenjun both take their roles seriously. The relationship between the two is pure and there is no emotional entanglement. , inside the play is inside the play, and outside the play is outside the play.