据哈哈娱乐网网站「﹏初秋的凄凉」消息,近日,《无所畏惧 》罗英子妈妈因何病倒引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。

无所畏惧 》罗英子妈妈晕倒是因为刘铭妈妈故意颠倒是非黑白,在明知罗母有高血压心脏病的情况下,还专门在菜市场当众气她。



【英文介绍/For English】:

"Fearless" Luo Yingzi's mother fainted because Liu Ming's mother deliberately confused right and wrong. Even though she knew that Luo's mother had hypertension and heart disease, she went to the vegetable market to annoy her in public.

Luo Yingzi suddenly received a call from her father and learned that her mother was in critical condition. She drove back to her hometown without saying a word. She learned the whole story from her father. Liu Ming's parents bought a big house in his community. Luo Yingzi's mother went to the market to buy vegetables and met Liu Ming's mother unexpectedly. Liu Ming's mother yelled at her and said nasty things to her, falsely accusing Luo Yingzi of having a third party outside. Luo Yingzi's mother fainted on the spot due to the rage and is still in a coma. Although the medical staff tried their best to rescue her, they were still unable to save her. Although Luo's mother still had a heartbeat and breathing, she would never wake up again. The doctor advised them to make a choice. Luo Yingzi found two caregivers to take turns taking care of her mother, and wanted her father to go to Jingbei with her. Luo's father didn't want to leave here, hoping that a miracle would happen and his wife would wake up.