据哈哈娱乐网网站「梅花落满南山」消息,近日,奥斯卡金奖颁奖词,谁能给我一些奥斯卡的颁奖词和获奖感言 要英文的就行?引发热议,奥斯卡颁奖台词同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。

谁能给我一些奥斯卡的颁奖词和获奖感言 要英文的就行


And the Oscar goes to Sean Penn.

Thank you. Thank you. You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns. I did not expect this, but I, and I want it to be very clear, that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. But I am touched by the appreciation and I hoped for it enough that I did want to scribble down, so I had the names in case you were commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns, and so I want to thank my best friend, Sata Matsuzawa. My circle of long-time support, Mara, Brian, Barry and Bob. The great Cleve Jones. Our wonderful writer, Lance Black. Producers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks.

And particularly, as all, as actors know, our director either has the patience, talent and restraint to grant us a voice or they don't, and it goes from the beginning of the meeting, to through the cutting room. And there is no finer hands to be in than Gus Van Sant. And finally, for those, two last finallies, for those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone. And there are, and there are, these last two things. I'm very, very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man president and a country who, for all its toughness, creates courageous artists. And this is in great due respect to all the nominees, but courageous artists, who despite a sensitivity that sometimes has brought enormous challenge, Mickey Rourke rises again and he is my brother. Thank you all very much.

And the Oscar goes to Kate Winslet.

"Ok, that fainting thing Penelope!" (referring to Penelope Cruz Oscar speech earlier)

“I’d be lying if I have not made a version of this speech before, I think I was probably 8 yea

奥斯卡颁奖词 犹如世界小姐、遥远的月球什么的

奥斯卡奖的颁奖词!!诺贝尔奖的颁奖词!! 孩子,就看你的了。” 人生就如同一盒巧克力,你永远无法知道下一粒是什么味道’。”出自1994年影片

李安少年派 奥斯卡获奖的颁奖词 英文

thank you movie god. I really need to share this with all three thousand ,everybody work
with me in 'life of Pi'.Especially Tom , Jim and Elizabeth. My producers Gil Netter、
David Vomako、David Lee .One of casts , Suraj , where are you? You are a miracle,(He) is
playing the young Pi ,carrying the movie . every (听不太清楚) you are the golden statue in my heart.
Ahh,i can't make out the movie without the help of Taiwan. We shot there.I want to thank everybody there helped us.Especially the citizen of Taichung(台中).My lndian crew(剧组) ,l loveyou .My Canadian crew ,l love you .My family in Taiwan ,my wife Jane Lin,we will marry
thirty years this summer,l love you.Thank you Academy.谢谢,namaste(印度语)。



   他领奖时说:“我一直都相信数学和那些引导推理的方程式和逻辑,但是在一生的追求后,我问我自己,什么才是真正的逻辑,谁来决定原因,我的研究穿越了物理、形而上学、幻觉,又带了回来,同时我做了一生中最重要的发现,只有在神迷的爱的等式里,才能发现任何逻辑上的原因,我今天来到这里,只因为你,你就是我存在的原因” 。


Such a beautiful woman as she, there is no need for such a great acting skill.
So great the acting skill she has, there is no need for such a beautiful face

