据哈哈娱乐网网站「前路依然有你」消息,近日,周海媚个人简历资料 周海媚最新动态没有过世引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

On the evening of December 11, the well-known actor Zhou Haimei suddenly became a hot search topic, and the entry went viral. When I clicked on it, it turned out to be the news of Zhou Haimei’s death. Everyone wanted to know what happened. Two days ago, Zhou Haimei Just after her 57th birthday, the news of her death suddenly appeared. It was really shocking. On December 12, an insider responded that Zhou Haimei had not passed away, so the news spread on the Internet was not necessarily true, and the death of the rumored star was really true. Very abominable.

At that time, after the news of Zhou Haimei's death came out, the media contacted Zhou Haimei's staff. After hearing the purpose of the call, the other party hung up the phone and did not disclose any information about Zhou Haimei. After that, a reporter contacted a friend of Zhou Haimei. Friends said they had not heard about Zhou Haimei’s death and it was probably false news.

At present, the blogger who broke the news about Zhou Haimei's death has deleted the relevant content. In the early morning of December 12, an insider refuted the rumors of Zhou Haimei's death, saying that Zhou Haimei has not passed away. Please do not spread rumors. She is still being treated in the hospital and is in a coma. Therefore, Zhou Haimei has not passed away. The people who can determine whether the patient is dead are doctors, not the media. Therefore, if there is no certainty, do not spread rumors, especially in such a life and death matter. People who spread rumors are very hateful.

Zhou Haimei also updated her social account on December 8, showing off her previous roles. She seems to be in good condition and will definitely be fine. Zhou Haimei was born in 1966. In 1985, she participated in the TVB artist training class and starred in "The Yang Family".

Zhou Haimei has many classic masterpieces, such as "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer", "Intolerance" and "The Legend of Wu Mei Niang". Everyone must have seen Zhou Haimei's works and are deeply impressed by her. Zhou Haimei has also been rated as "the most popular work in Hong Kong" for three consecutive years. Welcome actress." She has a very recognizable appearance and a chivalrous look, which makes her very suitable for acting in costume dramas. The most impressive thing is that she plays Zhou Zhiruo, with bright eyes and white teeth, and full of chivalry.