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对你不止是喜欢 》唐域求婚成功,唐域和唐馨两情相悦后在一起了。


【英文介绍/For English】:

"More Than Like You" Tang Yu's proposal was successful, and Tang Yu and Tang Xin got together after falling in love.

Tang Xin said that she was a little tired. Her legs were almost broken after accompanying Tang Yu on road shows these days. She wanted a vacation, and Tang Yu had to accompany her. Tang Yu immediately agreed. He blindfolded Tang Xin and then drove. He took her to a special place. Here, Tang Yu prepared a grand proposal ceremony, with flowers on the ground, balloons and hydrogen balloons surrounded by flowers. The two flew into the sky on the hydrogen balloon, and fireworks bloomed in the distance. People sent blessings, and the words "Marry me" in English appeared in the sky. Tang Yu took out a high-end diamond ring and proposed to Tang Xin. Tang Xin was moved to tears and agreed to Tang Yu's proposal. Tang Yu was amazed by Tang Xin in her wedding dress. The two took sweet wedding photos at the beach and vowed to protect their love forever until the end of time.