






【英文介绍/For English】:

Which issue of the school trip of love is debated by He Youjun?

1. In the second episode of the He Youjun Debate of "Study Trip of Love" broadcast on 20231114, the guests launched a heated debate.

2. The debate topic is "Is marriage a matter between two people or two families?" The study group was divided into a pair of girls and a pair of boys.

3. He Youjun, as the main player of the boys team, explained his own point of view. He believes that marriage is a matter between two people, and others have no right to interfere in the affairs of a couple.

In which issue of the love school trip does Wu Qianyu appear?

Wu Qianyu appeared in the third episode of "Study Trip of Love". She and her fiancé Shi Boxiong joined the study group and went on a trip of love with everyone.