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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Study Trip of Love", He Youjun likes to use the nickname "Little Golden Potato". Xi Mengyao said that He Youjun is very contrasting. He is very serious at work, but very clingy in life. Zhu Dan also asked He Youjun to simulate his working status. Indeed, Feeling oppressive.

In the sixth episode broadcast on 20231212, the middle school study group came to the Nalati Grassland to experience the most authentic Kazakh characteristics. They also talked about their own experiences and personalities. When it comes to whether there is a contrast between everyone, Xi Mengyao has a lot to say. She said that there is a big contrast with He Youjun. One state in life and another state at work.

As soon as He Youjun arrived at the workplace, he became a different person. He was completely different from the one in the show. Zhu Dan suddenly wanted to see what He Youjun was like at work, so he asked him to restore his work routine, treating other people as subordinates of the company and pretending It was during a meeting. For example, a plan never produced results, and work efficiency could not be improved at all, resulting in He Youjun being unable to carry out the next task. Then Wang Yanlin acted as a "flat employee" and did nothing.

He Youjun doesn't know how to act, but he switched to the boss mode in a second. After entering the working state, his aura was in full swing. He first scolded Zhu Dan, "Please be more serious and don't let this happen next time." I just heard He was already shocked. Judging from Zhu Dan's expression, he was indeed frightened.

He Youjun's calm and authoritative tone would make anyone feel scared and afraid of being reprimanded. After Zhu Dan finished, He Youjun opened Wang Yanlin's knife, "Did you see me lying down? Did you see anyone else lying down?" The tone was so aggressive that Wang Yanlin was at a loss and could only reply weakly, "No."

Zhu Dan felt that asking He Youjun to simulate working conditions was digging a hole for herself. She was frightened by him, and finally said, "I feel like what I did in the past two days was not good enough." I have to say that He Youjun is really a "domineering boss", even if he is simulating it. , the aura is strong enough.