今天哈哈娱乐网给各位分享的知识,其中也会对朱丹为什么怕听到sorry 她正在努力与过去和解进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

Zhu Dan mentioned in "Study Trip of Love" that her agent had a serious conversation with her once and hoped that she would not speak English when recording the show. Some of the English she spoke was inappropriate. And Zhu Dan is now very afraid of hearing sorry. Netizens who know it should be familiar with this meme. Sorry is like Zhu Dan’s scar. Every time he hears it, he will think of the embarrassing scene at that time.

Zhu Dan called the artist by the wrong name many times when hosting an event. She urgently corrected her and apologized to the other party, saying "sorry". This incident has become her inner demon. Since then, Zhu Dan has lost her confidence. She appeared in "Love" When he mentioned this matter again in "Study Trip", he still couldn't hold back the tears of grievance. His husband and other guests patiently comforted him.

Because Jinsha’s boyfriend is not famous, Zhu Dan was very nervous when she first came to the show. She was afraid of misremembering Sun Chengxiao’s name like before. Obviously, misremembering the name was a sad hurdle in Zhu Dan’s heart. She didn’t want to make a mistake. Yiwei Yiwei comforted Zhu Dan "The atmosphere in a variety show is not so serious, and everyone will forgive you." Zhou Yiwei hoped that Zhu Dan would come out and not be trapped in the past.

Zhu Dan's mistake caused dissatisfaction from netizens, all kinds of scolding and ridicule, which made Zhu Dan unable to let go. The main reason was that Zhu Dan said the wrong name during the live broadcast. If it was recorded and broadcast, it could be edited later, so Zhu Dan Bear the price of your mistakes.

Zhu Dan had PTSD from sorry. With the help of people around her, she learned to let go and said, "I don't know. Even though my English is terrible, I still have to speak English, including the live broadcast accident. Saying sorry is unconscious and completely "I just blurted it out", which made her heart tighten when others said sorry.

Zhu Dan's self-confidence was consumed by that live broadcast event, and she became humble and unconfident. She also gradually faded out of the hosting stage. This time she participated in the reality show with Yiwei Yi, hoping to let everyone continue to remember her in another way. Zhu Dan can regain her confidence and live a good life, and Yiwei Yi will accompany her to overcome this difficulty.