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【英文介绍/For English】:

"You Too Have Today" is a modern idol drama starring Chen Xingxu and Zhang Ruonan. Chen Xingxu plays the role of the tyrant Qian Heng, who is sinister and venomous. However, his dubbing can easily cause drama. When performing in "Stars Fall into Sugar", Chen Xingxu The original voice used does not match the character and is a bit thick, so you need to listen carefully. The original voice is still used in "You Too Have Today" this time.

"Stars Fall into Sugar" and "You Too Have Today" have different themes, but Chen Xingxu used the original voice in both. When "Stars Fall into Sugar" was broadcast, many people complained about Chen Xingxu's original lines. His voice was deep and mellow. , it is not suitable for dubbing fairy characters, and it seems that the characters have no fairy spirit at all.

"You Too Have Today" is a modern drama. Chen Xingxu plays a lawyer who is emotionally stable, mature and steady. People have mixed reviews about his original dubbing. Some people say that Chen Xingxu's voice fits the character, while others say it doesn't. In short, they all have different opinions. Everyone has different opinions. After a long time, you will get used to it and feel it is okay.

Chen Xingxu's original voice is deep and mellow. When he plays Qian Heng, he is a cold and handsome guy. When he opens his mouth, he fully displays his venomous persona, which adds a lot of joy to the character, so it is difficult to bring in the image of a domineering president.

Qian Heng is obviously very rich, but he has to rent a house and becomes roommates with the heroine. The two battle wits and courage, and neither one is convinced by the other. Coincidentally, they still work in the same law firm, and Qian Heng is the heroine. Her boss often made things difficult for her, trying to get her to quit and leave the law firm. However, the heroine became more courageous with every setback, which impressed Qian Heng.

In the end, Qian Heng and the heroine fell in love with each other and came together. In fact, Chen Xingxu's lines are quite good, mainly because his voice is easy to make people laugh. He is not suitable for dubbing ancient costume characters. Modern characters are just fine, so there is no need for an actor. Doing dubbing yourself will be counterproductive unless your line skills are really good and your voice fits the character very well. I wonder if Chen Xingxu will use the original voice for all the roles he plays in the future, or he will focus on the character.