






【英文介绍/For English】:

Are Chen Zheyuan and Zhao Lusi a couple?

1. Chen Zheyuan and Zhao Lusi are not lovers. They just play a young couple in the drama "Can't Hide Secretly". In reality, they are in a cooperative relationship.

2. Chen Zheyuan and Zhao Lusi do have a sense of camaraderie. They both have outstanding looks and are of the same age. They are very suitable for starring in sweet campus love dramas.

3. In real life, Chen Zheyuan and Zhao Lusi are friends and partners. Other than that, they have no relationship. People who want to talk about CP should not get too obsessed.

Why is Chen Zheyuan a koala?

The reason why Chen Zheyuan is called Koala is because his eyes are as round as a koala, making him look very cute and full of youthfulness.