






【英文介绍/For English】:

What does the princess ask for?

1. What is the Internet slang for "Princess Please"? Some of them sound respectful and doting, while others sound very impatient, but you only say it if you have a good relationship.

2. What does the princess please? This meme originated from a video. In the video, a father picked up his daughter on a bicycle. The daughter asked him to say "Princess, please get in the car." The father was very helpless.

3. Unexpectedly, this video was posted on the Internet, and then many people began to imitate this meme. In addition to Princess Please Get in the Car, there are also Princess Please Eat and Princess Please Get Off.

Who played the role of the princess who got into the wrong sedan chair to marry the right man?

The princess in "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair" is played by Juanzi. Juanzi is fresh and refined, with outstanding temperament, and is very suitable for the role of Princess Changping.