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【英文介绍/For English】:

The second door that you enter after a long time in "Deadly Game" is "Firsha Bird". Although this door is not high-level, no one has ever come out from it. Everyone wants to know the truth behind the story of Philsha Bird. What.

A forty-year-old wizard kidnapped triplets and trained them to hold eggs in their mouths every day. If they broke, they would be punished. They lived on the fourteenth floor. This apartment was full of terror. There was a mysterious electromagnetic force on the seventh floor. Interference, Ling Jiushi and Ruan Lanzhu would often see a little boy with eggs in his mouth, an old lady living on the first floor, and a weirdo obsessed with scientific research living on the fourth floor.

After Ling Jiushi and others entered the apartment, they went to the fourteenth floor. The wizard entertained them and gave each of them a raw egg, which must not be broken. The triplets also had eggs in their mouths. If analyzed according to fairy tales, they would not survive as long as the eggs were broken.

Sure enough, everyone whose eggs were broken died at the hands of the wizard. In order to save their lives, Ling Jiushi and others searched for the key together. They had to open the door in time for the twins' birthday, otherwise they would be swallowed by the fog.

This apartment is connected by three times and spaces. The wizard was only ten years old in 2010. He and his mother were kidnapped. The kidnappers made them hold eggs in their mouths and were not allowed to drop them. As a result, the wizard's mother's eggs fell to the ground and broke. The kidnappers killed her, the wizard was saved, and the case made the news.

In 2040, the wizard was forty years old. He found Frankenstein and wanted to travel back to 2010 to prevent the tragedy. However, an accident occurred. The wizard returned to 1985, when he was not born yet, but his mother was. Then he found triplets. One of the three sisters was his mother, the second child, Xiao Shi.

After Ling Jiushi and Ruan Lanzhu knew the whole story, they rescued the three girls. After that, they traveled together to 2010 and rescued the wizard mother and her son. In this way, the wizard's mother survived, and the mother and son lived a normal life. Ling Jiu Shi and Ruan Lanzhu found the key and returned to the real world.