

为了表示诚意,李衣锦千里迢迢奔赴周家,带了一整个行李箱的礼物。尽管她知道周到家在农村,可在迈进周家的那一刻,还是受到不小的惊吓。周老太早已等在门口多时,前方摆放着一个火盆,声称李衣锦与周到八字相冲,必须跨过火盆才能趋吉避凶。 周到对此毫不知情,试图阻止奶奶的迷信行为。但周老爷子固执己见,最终李衣锦只得照做。然而,老爷子并未就此罢休,竟要求她喝一碗鸡血水,否则就威胁二人分手,逼迫李衣锦不得不硬着头皮咽下去。随后,周到将家人介绍给李衣锦认识。李衣锦表现得乖巧懂事,为每人准备了礼物,唯独未见周到母亲,忍不住询问了周母的情况。此话一出,席间氛围骤变,周老爷子突然大发脾气,咒骂周母就是一个“扫把星”,各种侮辱词汇不绝于耳。周老太闻言嚎啕大哭,激动之下竟昏了过去。周老爷子以奶奶病情为由,逼迫周到赶走李衣锦。周到脸色极差,犹豫许久后背起奶奶回了屋。她的一句无心之言毁了美满和睦的年夜饭,周到的这次选择也彻底结束了长达六年的恋情。周到和李衣锦相处7 年,连他家庭最基本的情况也不曾向李衣锦透露半分,这也是让李衣锦最心寒的。


【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Fireworks", due to thoughtful insincerity, Li Yijin received no response every time he communicated, and the two finally decided to separate.

In order to show his sincerity, Li Yijin traveled all the way to Zhou's house and brought a whole suitcase of gifts. Although she knew that Zhou Xia's home was in the countryside, she was still quite frightened the moment she entered Zhou's home. Mrs. Zhou has been waiting at the door for a long time. There is a brazier in front of her, claiming that Li Yijin and Zhou Zhou are in conflict, and she must step over the brazier to seek good luck and avoid misfortune. Zhou Zhou was unaware of this and tried to stop grandma's superstitious behavior. But Mr. Zhou was stubborn, and in the end Li Yijin had no choice but to do it. However, the old man did not give up there and actually asked her to drink a bowl of chicken blood water, otherwise he threatened to break up the two of them, forcing Li Yijin to swallow it hard. Later, Zhou Zhou introduced his family to Li Yijin. Li Yijin behaved well and wisely and prepared gifts for everyone. However, he did not see Zhou Zhou's mother, so he couldn't help but ask about Zhou's mother. As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the table suddenly changed. Mr. Zhou suddenly lost his temper and cursed Zhou's mother as a "broom star", and kept hearing all kinds of insulting words. When Mrs. Zhou heard this, she burst into tears and fainted from excitement. Mr. Zhou forced Zhou Xuan to drive Li Yijin away because of his grandmother's illness. Zhou Zhou's expression was extremely bad. After hesitating for a long time, he picked up his grandma and returned to the house. Her careless words ruined the happy and harmonious New Year's Eve dinner, and her thoughtful choice also completely ended their six-year relationship. Zhou Xing has been with Li Yijin for 7 years, and he has not revealed even the most basic information about his family to Li Yijin. This is what makes Li Yijin the most chilling.