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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is the sixth case in the drama. Apart from Di Renjie, Diao Xiaoguan has the most roles. The scenes between the two are quite exciting. So what is the truth and ending of the desert chase? Did Diao Xiaoguan die in the end?

Di Renjie and Diao Xiaoguan battled wits and courage while chasing the murderer in the desert. One was a law-abiding court official, and the other was a free-spirited knight-errant. They had completely opposite ideas and practices. In the end, Diao Xiaoguan used his own life to help Di Renjie become a common man. The idea of ​​a good official sounds really ironic.

In the play, it is true that Han Yongnan killed the young girl, and everyone knows it, but he was released due to lack of evidence. Di Renjie always insisted on abiding by the laws of the Tang Dynasty. Ma Rong gave Wangdong a knife behind Di Renjie's back. Later, Diao Xiaoguan caught Han Yongnan and locked him in the cellar. Wangdong killed Han Yongnan at Diao Xiaoguan's urging.

Diao Xiaoguan always felt that Di Renjie was an official who did not distinguish between good and evil, and wanted to tease him, so he set a trap for Di Renjie. Under the guidance of Diao Xiaoguan, Di Renjie found out about Yi Cheng's trafficking of girls. In the end, Yi Cheng was severely punished. In addition, Di Renjie also used the clues given by Diao Xiaoguan to Zhenxi Fort, where the soldiers had to protect the safety of the people and were subject to The superior abused him, and one of them was tortured to death. Zhou Changyi led others to resist, and the superior finally died.

Di Renjie dealt with the soldiers in accordance with the law, but Diao Xiaoguan could not understand. Later, when horse thieves attacked, Zhou Changyi and the soldiers resisted. Although they died and were injured, Di Renjie still reported the mutiny in the army to the court. In the end, the soldiers were sent back to their hometown. He This approach is indeed a bit infuriating.

It is a pity that Diao Xiaoguan died under Di Renjie's arrow. Di Renjie won a good reputation. He strictly abided by the law and was a good official. Some things were indeed out of his control. Diao Xiaoguan was like another version of himself that Di Renjie wanted to be. You can do whatever you want.