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【英文介绍/For English】:

Many people think that the names of Lin Chiling and Lin Zhiying are very similar and think that they are brother and sister. In fact, the two have known each other since childhood and were classmates in kindergarten. Recently, Jimmy Lin and Lin Chiling appeared on the same stage at an event, and it was revealed that they were kindergarten classmates. Lin Chiling also asked Lin Zhiying for her experience in educating children, and Lin Chiying was very happy to share it.

Lin Zhiying was born in 1974 and comes from Taipei City, Taiwan, China. His ancestral home is Fuzhou, Fujian. He graduated from Taipei Huagang Art School. When he was ten years old, he participated in remote control car competitions and said that he wanted to be a racing driver. When I was fifteen years old, I worked part-time to earn money, bought a car, and modified it manually.

Jimmy Lin was spotted by advertisers before he debuted, and they invited him to shoot commercials. He officially signed with a record company at the age of sixteen. In 1992, he released his first album at the age of seventeen. The title song became a hit at the time, and there must be many. Everyone has heard "Not Every Love Song Has Good Memories" and "Seventeen-Year-Old Rainy Season" sung by Jimmy Lin. They are really full of memories.

Lin Zhiying is not only a singer, but also an actor. He has acted in many classic works, such as "The Two Young Masters", "The Stars Herding Sheep", "The Boy in the Laughing Forest" and "Dragon", etc. These are his masterpieces.

Lin Chiling is the same age as Jimmy Lin. She was born in Taipei, Taiwan, China. She is a Chinese actress and model. She started her modeling career in 2000 and was named the most beautiful woman in Taiwan. In 2004, she went to the mainland to develop. Her screen debut was "Red Cliff". Lin Chiling He has also acted in "101 Proposals", "Journey to the West", "Like You" and "Sweetheart Chocolate".

Lin Chiling got out of the industry with her figure and voice, gained many fans, and became a goddess in everyone's mind. Now she is married to a Japanese artist, and the two have a good relationship. It's surprising that Lin Chiling and Lin Zhiying are classmates. It feels like they are from two different circles. I didn't expect to know each other. I wonder if there will be opportunities to collaborate in the future.