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Why did Ao Ruipeng quit the love space?

1. The reasons why Ao Ruipeng quit "Dream Space": First, the girl he liked was very close to another boy, and second, his career was unstable and he was afraid that he would not be able to bring happiness to the other person.

2. The third reason is that Ao Ruipeng saw that Lu Wentao also liked Ma Chen and chose to help his brother. The other reason is that Ao Ruipeng was only interested in Ma Chen at first, but later felt that the two were not suitable.

3. Ao Ruipeng felt that Lu Wentao was more suitable for Ma Chen, so he chose not to check the video letter and left the show directly.

Which company does Ao Ruipeng belong to?

Ao Ruipeng is an artist from Jiashang Media Company. Before entering the film and television industry, he was engaged in game-related work and also worked as a model.