本篇文章给大家谈谈电影堡垒是真实故事改编的吗 毛稼轩是否有原型人物,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。






【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Fortress" stars Chen Minghao and Guo Xiaodong. The plot content is a spy war theme. It will be released on March 22, 2024. I am curious whether the story is adapted from a true story? Are there any prototypes for the main characters here?

The story takes place during the Great Revolution. It mainly tells the story of the Shaoshan Five Heroes and other revolutionary patriots who performed secret missions and battled wits and courage with the enemy. Mao Jiaxuan, played by Chen Minghao, and Shen Zhuoyi, played by Guo Xiaodong, start a battle for identity. They both want to steal the identity of "Pang Defu". It is obvious that Pang Defu is the core character of the film. What is the meaning hidden behind him? As the plot develops, agents from both sides stage a high-intelligence competition, and the truth becomes confusing.

Judging from the plot synopsis, this is a spy war drama that interprets the story in a two-line parallel way. A battle of wits and courage between the special branch and the Kuomintang agents, and both sides engage in a desperate struggle. Although the inspiration for the film comes from revolutionary historical themes, But there are some differences. It adds a lot of suspense elements based on the prototype, making it more like a high-quality movie.

The film is adapted from a true historical story. The prototypes of the five party members of the Shaoshan Special Branch of the Communist Party of China are Mao Fuxuan, Mao Xinmei, Li Genghou, Zhong Zhishen and Pang Shukan. They are called the Five Heroes of Shaoshan. The special branch was founded by Comrade Mao Zedong in 1925. It is also one of the earliest rural party branches established in the history of our party. It is very famous in the history of revolution.

The plot of the movie mainly revolves around the special branch's fight against the Kuomintang agents. It is also interspersed with the story of the establishment of the special branch and the launch of the peasant movement. In short, this is a positive and positive work. The corresponding prototype of Mao Jiaxuan should be Mao Fuxuan. He and Shen Zhuoyi Confronted by one identity, what kind of mystery is hidden behind this identity? The movie hasn't been released yet, so netizens can only get a superficial understanding of it. I hope that the discussion will increase by then, allowing more people to understand some of the stories of the revolutionary period.