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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Fire" is adapted from the anime "Wu Geng Ji". The names of the characters have been changed, and their relationship is similar to the anime. In fact, what the audience is most curious about is the ranking of the characters. Who is the most powerful?

The TV series has just been updated for six episodes, and many characters have not yet appeared. If you want to know the strength ranking, you have to analyze it from the anime, which will also help everyone understand the plot. Ranked first is Heilong. Heilong was the leader of the Yi clan a hundred thousand years ago and was a figure feared by Eternal Capital. He was so accomplished that he led his men to eliminate the Yi clan and Eternal Kingdom, and established the new Yi clan. When Long attacked the Xin Kingdom, King Xin only suffered a few superficial injuries even with the blessing of the Phoenix.

Ranked second in strength is Wu Geng. Wu Geng is the male protagonist. His father is King Xin of the human race and his mother is a priest of the New Yi tribe. He has dual powers in his body. He is not very strong in the early stage, his potential is not stimulated, and he does not have enough. After improving his own conditions, Wu Geng became a strong force that was difficult to fight against in the later period and could compete with Hei Long. In the anime, Wu Geng did not defeat Hei Long. Hei Long left on his own because he recognized Wu Geng's strength.

The third most powerful one is the red dragon. It should be the one that Heilong and the Six Great Gods ride in the TV series. The red dragon is one of the four great beasts in ancient times and has been pursuing its peak. The fourth is Ziyu. He is the younger brother of King Xin, the uncle of Wu Geng, and the strongest warrior in mankind. Ziyu has practiced the art of refining weapons to become the Heaven-Slaying Sword. When he first appeared on the scene, I felt that he was very extraordinary and had extraordinary strength.

The fifth one is the Ten Punishments of the Son of Black Dragon. He has many cheats and even merged with the Phoenix, but he just can’t die. Ranked sixth is Huanglong, one of the ancient dragons. In the anime, Huanglong was killed by ten punishments. Ranked seventh is Eternal Night. He belongs to the underworld in the anime, but became a demon in the drama version. He is a strong man at the same time as Heilong.

The eighth place is Zhenzen Holy King, second only to Heilong in the Yi clan. The ninth place is Defying Heaven. He is the general marshal of the demon clan and swept the Yi clan Holy King. The tenth place is Xuanfeng Holy King. . These are the top ten strong men ranked according to the "Fire" anime.