


2、顾雍本来是想要去京城寻求郡主庇护的,结果还没走就惨遭杀害,临死前说“水波纹 是杨”。




【英文介绍/For English】:

What are the ripples in the water between flowers?

1. The water ripple in "Flower Order" is not a Yang, but a croissant moire. This is a mysterious organization whose leader is the mastermind behind all cases.

2. Gu Yong originally wanted to go to the capital to seek asylum from the princess, but was brutally killed before he left. Before he died, he said, "The ripples in the water are Yang."

3. Many people thought he was talking about a person's name and speculated that Yang Jian was not dead. In fact, he was talking about the ram's horn pattern.

What is the secret behind the ripples in the flowers?

The secret of the ripples in "The Order of Flowers" is that the mastermind behind the scenes, Jia Taiwei, is expanding his power and wants to gain enough military power to rebel.