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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Let's Shake the Sun Together" is a healing film starring Peng Yuchang and Li Gengxi. The story is adapted from a documentary article and tells the story of two young people's life-and-death agreement. Everyone should be curious about the prototype of the real story.

Lu Tu, played by Peng Yuchang, suffers from a brain tumor and his condition gets worse without knowing it. He is worried that no one will take care of his mother in the future. At the same time, Ling Min, played by Li Gengxi, was also seriously ill. She couldn't bear the pain of long-term dialysis, so she posted a special marriage proposal video in the tumor patient group. If there is a tumor patient who matches her kidney source, she is willing to marry him. After getting married, after the other party passed away, Ling Min transplanted the other party's kidney and helped the other party take care of his family.

Lu Tu and Ling Min are both patients. They met at the darkest moment in their lives. They each had what they needed. In the process of getting along, Lu Tu and Ling Min developed pure love and decided to face the difficulties together. It occurred to me that this would be based on a true event.

This story is based on the news report "The Most Utilitarian Marriage Deal, the Most Emotional Eternal Promise". The prototypes of Lu Tu and Ling Min are leukemia patient Yu Jianping and uremic patient Wang Xiao respectively. In order to survive, Wang Xiao searched for a male patient in the cancer group who matched his kidney source and got married. Then she met Yu Jianping.

Wang Xiao and Yu Jianping signed a life agreement. After Yu Jianping's death, he would donate his kidney to Wang Xiao, and Wang Xiao would fulfill his promise to take good care of Yu Jianping's father. In this way, the two made a special agreement. Because of this, they will also cherish life more.

The story of Wang Xiao and Yu Jianping is so touching that it has been put on the big screen and presented to everyone in the form of a movie. This movie requires delicate emotions and profound interpretation, which is very challenging for the actors. Through the movie, the audience will have deep thoughts about life, love and responsibility. It is very real and meaningful. Both the male and female protagonists are trying to live. , we should also treat life well if we are healthy.