






【英文介绍/For English】:

What's wrong with us shaking the sun together?

1. In "Let's Shake the Sun Together", the heroine Ling Min is a uremia patient, and the hero Lu Tu is a brain tumor patient. The two began a special promised love.

2. Ling Min was tortured by illness and had to undergo dialysis every week. It was difficult to even eat and drink. In order to survive, she posted a marriage proposal video in a group of cancer patients.

3. Lu Tu contacted Ling Min after seeing it. After Lu Tu died, he donated his kidney to Ling Min, and Ling Min would take care of Lu Tu’s family in the future.

What’s the ending of Let’s Shake the Sun Together?

"Let's Shake the Sun Together" mainly tells the story of two young people who are seriously ill and make a life promise. Everyone wants to know what the final ending of this movie will be. Did the two protagonists survive?