据哈哈娱乐网网站「√佐手,甜蜜」消息,近日,花间令郡主结局如何 郡主被杀案真相是什么引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

The princess was a party to the last case in "Flower Order". She and Pan Yue were an unmarried couple, and Pan Yue liked Yang Caiwei. In this way, the princess and Yang Caiwei were love rivals. Everyone knew that the princess was killed in the end, and The most suspected person is Yang Caiwei, and no one will testify for her.

The princess's parents were both generals, and both died in battle. This shows that the princess has been a lonely person since she was a child, with no confidants and a lack of security. The princess is not the mastermind behind the scenes, she and Yang Caiwei are both victims, and they cherish each other.

After the princess learned that Yang Caiwei was Pan Yue's sweetheart, she pretended to be aggressive, then asked Yang Caiwei to meet, and even asked Yang Caiwei if she dared to drink poisoned wine. In fact, Yang Caiwei had known the princess before going to the appointment, and knew that she was not vicious. He would make fun of people's lives, so he drank the poisonous wine in one gulp.

Yang Caiwei's actions impressed the princess, who praised her for her courage, resourcefulness, and kindness. Yang Caiwei also admired the princess's righteousness and cheerful personality, and the two became friends. What Yang Caiwei didn't know was that the princess had been coerced by power. She couldn't do what she wanted to do, but was forced to become a pawn of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Yang Caiwei finally found the princess and found that she looked frightened and had a knife in her hand. She looked at Yang Caiwei helplessly and kept saying sorry, then stabbed herself with the knife. Yang Caiwei rushed over and the princess Tell her that it was Jia Quan who threatened her with her sister's life. For the sake of her sister, she had no choice but to obey the other party's arrangements and commit suicide, and then put the blame on Yang Caiwei.

Obviously, the real culprit behind the scenes wanted to get rid of Yang Caiwei. Everyone thought it was Yang Caiwei who killed the princess. She was thrown into prison. It was rumored that Yang Caiwei was a bold and vicious woman who actually killed the princess. She became the target of public criticism. It was very miserable. In the end, Yang Caiwei cleared her grievances with the help of Pan Yue. Bai Xiaosheng came to Yang Caiwei with Zhuo Lanjiang's body. Yang Caiwei performed an autopsy with a heavy heart and found evidence to bring Jia Quan to justice.