






【英文介绍/For English】:

Why was Xihuazhi exiled?

1. "Xi Huazhi" The Hua family was exiled because Mr. Hua proposed to the emperor that he should be crowned prince early. As a result, Long Yan was furious and his house was confiscated and exiled.

2. The Hua family was loyal to the court. Mr. Hua spoke out and remonstrated. The emperor was angry and expelled the Hua family to the north on the grounds of forming a party for personal gain. He also suppressed the Hua family, causing the whole family to be exiled.

3. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the Hua family. All this stems from the emperor's unwillingness to establish a prince. Fortunately, it is just a raid on the family, not a execution.

What is the ending of Huazhi and Gu Yanxi?

The emotional development process of the male and female protagonists in "Xi Huazhi" is the main storyline. Everyone wants to know what the final ending of Hua Zhi and Gu Yanxi will be. Are the two together? Their origins, personalities and circumstances are all different. Can they cherish each other and grow old together?