

1、《狂飙》赵立冬是坏的,赵立冬作为黑恶势力的保护伞,目无王法, 为所欲为,最终会付出惨痛的代价。





【英文介绍/For English】:

Cyclonus Zhao Lidong is good or bad

1. Zhao Lidong in "Hurricane" is bad. As the umbrella of the evil forces, Zhao Lidong has no laws and can do whatever he wants, and he will pay a painful price in the end.

2. Zhao Lidong is the mayor of Jinghai City. He has a high position and great power, but he didn't make good use of the power in his hands, and instead took the road of breaking the law.

3. Zhao Lidong used the position of deputy chief as a bait to ask Cao Chuang to kill Xu Jiang, and Cao Chuang died in the hands of Gao Qiqiang in the end.

Episodes of Cyclonus Commendation Ceremony

The Commendation Conference of "Hurricane" is the 12th episode. An Xin found out that his master Cao Chuang, who was supposed to be at the Commendation Conference, did not show up.