





【英文介绍/For English】:

Malfoy's father, Lucius, is not dead. In the seventh part, the Dark Lord bought the dementors and rescued Lucius, but at a price. He and the Death Eaters occupied Malfoy Manor and took Lucius's treasure from Malfoy Manor. Wand, but was blown off by Harry's phoenix tail wand during the battle. Lucius is reunited with his family at the end of the book and saved from Azkaban by betraying his fellow Death Eaters. A character in the Harry Potter series of novels by Lucius Malfoy. He is a Death Eater and knows the dark arts. Lucius is also adept at manipulating people.


<p>Skills: Lucius is a pure-blood wizard who joins Voldemort, is a Death Eater, and is very good at black magic. On Voldemort's orders, it was usually Lucius who took the lead in attacking Muggles. Lucius is also adept at manipulating people. He wields his wealth and lineage as a weapon, deftly using it to threaten other wizards into obeying his orders.


<p>The Malfoy family is an ancient, wealthy and influential family of pure-blood wizards. They live in Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, England, and are related to many pure-blood families, including the Black family, Lester The Lanci family, the Greengrass family, the Rozier family, etc. despise half-blood and Muggle-born wizards very much. Most of the Malfoy family who attended Hogwarts were sorted into Slytherin houses. Old Generation member Brutus Malfoy, editor of the anti-Muggle magazine War of the Wizards. All pure-blood wizarding families are related to each other, and the Malfoy family is no exception. Lucius Malfoy married Narcissa Black, also a pure-blood witch. This marriage connected him with several key characters in the book, such as Bellatrix Lestrange (formerly Bellatrix Black), Nymphadora Lou Ping (formerly Nymphadora Tonks), Sirius Black. Lucius and Narcissa had only one child: Draco Malfoy, who was equally cocky.