



【英文介绍/For English】:

The real event ending of "Escape from Pretoria": In 1987, Tim Jenkin wrote "Prison Break: Escape from Pretoria", an autobiographical novel, which was readjusted and published in 2003, "Escape from Pretoria" Leah" movie revision is roughly based on the 2003 version. After Tim Jenkin fled to London, he was still overseas working on the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, using encrypted communications and sending information to Mandela who was in prison at the time. Mandela did not return to South Africa until he was released and became president in 1994.

"Escape from Pretoria" is a thriller drama film directed by Francis Annan, starring Daniel Radcliffe, Ian Hart, Daniel Webb, etc. It was released in the UK on March 6, 2020. The film is adapted from real events. It tells the story of Tim Jenkin, a white South African, who was regarded as a terrorist and imprisoned for participating in the secret anti-apartheid operation of the African People's Congress, and planned a prison escape.

The main content of the movie tells the process of the two and another prisoner Leonardo trying to escape from the prison. From the moment they were in prison, they had no intention of serving their sentences obediently. From understanding the internal and external conditions of the prison, to determining the way to escape with the key, and finally successfully leaving the prison one morning, every step was accompanied by the tension of being discovered. Feeling, this exciting plot that almost makes the audience's heart beat, is the most successful part of this movie.