




【英文介绍/For English】:

Yuan Dynasty writer Ma Zhiyuan's Zaju Yueyang Tower. Ma Zhiyuan, nicknamed Dongli, was born in Dadu, a dramatist, Sanqu writer, and essayist in the Yuan Dynasty. Together with Guan Hanqing, Zheng Guangzu and Bai Pu, they are called "Four Masters of Yuan Opera". Ma Zhiyuan was born in a rich and well-educated family. When he was young, he was keen on seeking fame and fame. He seemed to have offered poems to the prince Borjijin Zhenjin and became an official because of this. After his death, he left Beijing to serve as a provincial officer of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. Later, he participated in the "Yuanzhen Book Club" during the Yuanzhen period. He seemed to live in seclusion in Hangzhou in his later years.


<p> Around the fifth year of Emperor Dingzong of Mongolia (1250), as written in "Qing Xingzi·Wu Mi", Ma Zhiyuan should have been born in a wealthy and culturally educated family ("Spirited self-poetry drinker, Flirting in the rich family in the past"), and as written in "Dialing Constantly Jiuchongtian" ("Jiuzhongtian, twenty years, I have seen dragons, towers and phoenixes"), teenagers who have spent about twenty years in Dadu period.

After that, around the seventh year of Zhiyuan (1270), Ma Zhiyuan began his "twenty years of wandering career" ("Qing Xingzi·Wu Fan"). In the tenth year of Zhiyuan (1273), Boer Jijin Zhenjin was established as the crown prince, just as it was written in the divertimento "Nvguanzi: In vain and leisurely sorrow" ("Let's read that Yu was born when he was young, and wrote poems "Originally dedicated to the Dragon Tower"), Ma Zhiyuan, who was eager to pursue fame, seemed to have dedicated poems to Boer Jijin Zhenjin, and seemed to have been an official because of his relationship with Boer Jijin Zhenjin.