

张大奕,2015搜狐时尚盛典年度电商模特候选人,网络红人。 作为模特出道,淘宝素颜大赛第一名得主,曾作为模特出道,经常拍一些时尚杂志,这让她对时尚的把握还是非常准确的,时常出现在《米娜》、《昕薇》、《瑞丽》等时尚杂志的内页服装搭配中。张大奕一开始仅是通过视频来介绍新品,在2014年的时候,张大奕在网上发布了她第一支只有5分钟的小视频。在当时的视频播放量就高达3.6万,开售后就被一抢而光。


【英文介绍/For English】:

Zhang Dayi is 32 years old. Zhang Dayi's original name was Zhang Yi. He was born in Shanghai on October 25, 1988. He graduated from Shanghai Business School in 2009 and made his debut as a model. He won the first place in the Taobao makeup contest. In addition to "Ruili", Zhang Dayi often appears in In the clothing collocation of the inside pages of fashion magazines such as "Mina" and "Xinwei".

Zhang Dayi, 2015 Sohu Fashion Festival annual e-commerce model candidate, Internet celebrity. She made her debut as a model and won the first place in the Taobao makeup competition. She made her debut as a model and often photographed some fashion magazines, which made her have a very accurate grasp of fashion. She often appeared in "Mina", "Xin Wei", "Ruili" "And other fashion magazines inside page clothing collocation. At the beginning, Zhang Dayi only introduced new products through videos. In 2014, Zhang Dayi released her first 5-minute video online. At that time, the video playback volume was as high as 36,000, and it was sold out after it went on sale.

Zhang Dayi debuted as a model, the first winner of the Taobao Suyan Contest, and is now the CMO of Ruhan Holdings, one of the company's major shareholders, and one of the hottest "ten million Internet celebrities", and her development is inseparable from Taobao We don't know whether the two met through work contacts.