据哈哈娱乐网网站「烟味情话」消息,近日,我要和你在一起电视剧演员表 我要和你在一起大结局引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"I Want to Be With You" is starring Chai Biyun, Sun Shaolong, Wan Siwei, Shen Taoran and others. Chai Biyun plays the heroine Lin Meiya in the play, Sun Shaolong plays Ou Lin, Wan Siwei plays Li Dong, and Shen Taoran plays Li Weiwei.

<strong>"I want to be with you" plot introduction

<p>After returning from studying abroad, Lin Meiya and Ouyang met because of a misunderstanding on the plane, and the two started a wonderful marriage because of this. Lin Meiya originally planned to marry her boyfriend when she returned to China, but what she never expected to usher in was his ruthless betrayal. Lin Meiya, who came out of the pain of broken love, was determined to regain her strength. Because she did not know Ouyang, she joined Ouyang's male. With her kindness, open-mindedness, and hard work, Lin Meiya was quickly recognized by everyone, and worked hand in hand with Ouyang when his career was at a low ebb. The affection of friendship. Lin Meiya accompanies Ouyang to participate in an extremely important fighting tournament for Ouyang. Along the way, the two support each other and help each other, and face one challenge after another together, which makes the two young hearts finally come together.

<strong>"I want to be with you" finale

<p>Although the endings of general urban emotional dramas are not perfect, the ending of "I want to be with you" is still very happy. The ending is that Lin Meiya and Ouyang are together. Although the two have experienced many difficulties, But in the end they came together.