据哈哈娱乐网网站「画半熟的眼线」消息,近日,高叶是孙红雷老婆吗 高叶和孙红雷是什么关系引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

The popularity of "Hurricane" has been soaring. The actor Gao Ye who plays the sister-in-law Chen Shuting has also attracted everyone's attention. Gao Ye is an excellent and low-key actress. She has a good relationship with Sun Honglei. Some people said that Gao Ye is Sun Honglei Everyone knows that Sun Honglei's wife is Wang Jundi, not Gao Ye.

Gao Ye's role in "Hurricane" is very brilliant, glamorous and sexy, decisive in killing, and strong in aura. She and Zhang Songwen play a couple. Well, the eldest brother and sister-in-law did not stay together at the end, which is actually normal, after all, they are not good people, and the ending is expected.

After "Hurricane" was broadcast, Gao Ye's popularity skyrocketed. She became popular through this drama, and some netizens uncovered Gao Ye's sad past. I still remember that in 2012, at the press conference of the movie "Front and Cloud", Sun Honglei smashed the microphone on the spot because of Gao Ye. What happened?

At that time, Sun Honglei asked the organizer why Gao Ye’s name was not on the promotional poster at the press conference. It is reported that Gao Ye almost lost her life because of that play. She played the role of the policeman’s sister in the play. Suffocated to death, fortunately found in time to save his life.

At that time, Gao Ye was not well-known, so her name was not on the movie poster. Sun Honglei lost his temper at the press conference because of this incident, and defended Gao Ye. Coincidentally, Zhang Songwen and Gao Ye have known each other for a long time. Zhang Songwen was still comforting Gao Ye on Weibo, and Gao Ye also responded warmly. I didn't expect that the two would cooperate in "Hurricane" many years later, and they would still play a couple.

Like Gao Ye, Zhang Songwen has no background and resources, and his current achievements are all due to his own hard work. He has also suffered, been bullied, and suffered all kinds of stares. Therefore, Zhang Songwen feels the same for Gao Ye's experience. The two They are all very good actors, and I hope they can work together again in the future.