


【英文介绍/For English】:

Falcon in "The Light Chaser" has a hemangioma, which is benign.

On the way to get the equipment, Falcon couldn't help wondering why Robben insisted on saving the little boy. Robben hesitated for a moment but still didn't tell the truth. Falcon passed by the river and suddenly wanted to get out of the car. He stood alone on the bank and recalled the scene of him playing with his son. When he calmed down and was about to return to the car, he suddenly fell unconscious. Robben sent Falcon to the hospital in time, but the examination results were not satisfactory. Although the hemangioma was benign, it was located in a poor location and large in size, so it could not be resected at all, and it could only be treated conservatively with ligation. Falcon confessed that Robben must not tell the team about this matter. Robben knew what he was thinking, so he readily agreed.