


【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "Love Is Delicious" will be announced on July 11, 2022. "Love is Delicious" is directed by Chen Zhengdao and Xu Zhaoren, starring Li Chun, Zhang Hanyun, Wang Ju, and Yin Haoyu. The TV series "Love Is Delicious" will be exclusively broadcast on Tencent Video on November 26, 2021.

The three heroines in "Love Is Delicious" are very ordinary, facing many life problems that are common to ordinary people, such as unemployment, breakup, and parents urging marriage. Moreover, when encountering these problems, they did not miraculously resolve the crisis and remove obstacles. They could only be devastated and helpless, encouraging each other to move forward with burdens. The three sisters Liu Jing, Fang Xin and Xia Meng came to Shanghai one after another to start a new life after experiencing the rough life in Chengdu. The three major balances of love, career, and family were unbalanced one after another, and the three were faced with greater life choices. They stumbled and encouraged each other, and gradually found their life goals and found their true selves.