


【英文介绍/For English】:

In the ending of "A Covenant in a New Home", Jing Yuheng realized that he had lost to Yang Guang, so he stopped pestering Chen Xi. Yang Guang went to find Jing Yuheng, saw that he had been drinking to relieve his worries, so he showed him the information in his hand, which surprised Jing Yuheng, who did not expect Yang Guang to know all the secrets. Yang Guang told Jing Yuheng that the construction of Chunming Garment Factory was taken over by Cai Yunfeng, and the quality of the construction had already caused a lot of harm. If Jing Yuheng just sat by and watched, he would not be able to keep the people and companies he wanted to keep. Jing Yuheng told Yang Guang that it wasn't Song Xiaoyu who stole their design drawings, and Song Xiaoyu was willing to do anything for Jing Yuheng, except to hurt Yang Guang, his brother. Jing Yuheng felt that he was making every step, but in the end he lost to Yang Guang. Afterwards, Jing Yuheng received a call from Jing Moshan, telling Jing Yuheng that he would no longer avoid it, and was willing to bear the consequences for his past mistakes. After all, the winner was saved.

Jing Yuheng's father is the "head" of a top home improvement company, and Jing Yuheng is the future heir of this company. Not only is Jing Yuheng smart and well-educated, but even his looks are incomparable to Yang Guang. His working ability is very strong, as soon as he appeared on the stage, it can be seen that he is meticulous in his work, very motivated, and strictly controls the quality of the project. He is a good young man who is motivated and motivated.