










【英文介绍/For English】:

Finale: Xiao Gongjin was saved, and Dongcun was killed.

Tong Jiaru accuses the heinous crimes of the Japanese, and finally has a hearty vent in his lifetime. Dongcun has nothing to say in front of the mountain of ironclad evidence. After swimming, even if you can hold your breath, the longest time will not exceed ten minutes. Dongcun has always shown people with a hypocritical face. Tong Jiaru has spotted his headstrong conceit. As long as you plead hard in front of him, Dongcun will definitely be like a charity Like a dog, he can satisfy the way he wants to die.

Sitting in the water cage, Tong Jiaru begged Dongcun to execute him at 10:30, because Zhizi fell from upstairs at 10:30, and he happened to do as he wanted. That's what Tong Jiaru and Dongcun said. He has already made an appointment with the underground party Lao Zhao, and at that time he will detonate the bomb in the extra-high class. In the past few years, Du Xiaomao and Guan Dadao have been digging tunnels at night, and he has been transporting explosives into the tunnels. The explosives are made by his student Yan Sichi. Back in Shanghai, lurking in the dark tunnel and constantly developing bombs. Now that everything is ready, all we need to do is to wait for Dongcun to welcome the god of death in the special high school.

Tedong Village is not often in the extra-higher class, and Tong Jiaru especially used himself as bait in order to lure him into the extra-higher class. East Village sank Tong Jiaru into a dungeon, and Tong Jiaru quietly cut the rope tied to his body with a blade hidden on his body. The explosives were quietly ignited, and the entire Japanese and puppet army of the extra-high school was buried in a sea of ​​​​flames.

The Japanese emperor finally announced his surrender, and Dong Cun, who was covered in bandages, muttered Tong Jiaru's name. All the teachers and students of Weizhongcheng Middle School asked Tong Jiaru to give a speech. Tong Jiaru explained the connotation of "bravery". As long as hundreds of millions of Chinese are brave and firm in their hearts, the Japanese will not dare to come again. Tong Jiaru's emotional exposition made countless Chinese people excited.

Shen Tong in the crowd showed a smiling face. Now that the War of Resistance has been won, she asked Tong Jiaru what his plans are. Now the little teacher is still passionately pursuing him. Tong Jiaru agreed to Shen Tong, and the two walked home together. Now Xu put on his clothes again. The military uniform became the police chief. He said that because he provided guns to the anti-Japanese hero Tong Jiaru and assisted Guan Dadao in killing the enemy, the government arranged for him to be responsible for the security of Pinganli. Sergeant Xu is going to Tong Jiaru's house to beg for a drink. Guan Dadao and Du Xiaomao are already waiting at home.

It's time to eat, but little Gongjin can't be found anywhere, Tong Jiaru heard the crying and came to a nearby courtyard, he looked up and saw the scarred Dongcun holding the crying little Gongjin, Tong Jiaru was eager to save the son After chasing him, he suddenly fell from the roof and fell into the yard, which was the yard where Heichuan had been killed. A vicious dog was waiting for him with its teeth bared, and it would bite with its mouth open. Fortunately, Guan Dadao, Du Xiaomao and Guan Dadao came in time, and Tong Jiaru was finally out of danger.

In the ward, the first thing Tong Jiaru said after waking up was that Dongcun was still alive. Everyone was surprised that Dongcun's name was on the Japanese war death list. Aunt Su couldn't help crying, Zhizi was killed by Dongcun's ruthless hands, and now Xiao Gongjin's life is also in danger. In the evening, Tong Jiaru asked Guan Dadao and Du Xiaomao to send Shen Tong home. He stayed in the hospital and waited for Dongcun to negotiate terms.

Early the next morning, Tong Jiaru saw a letter stuffed in the crack of the door. Dongcun asked him to go to a place. Tong Jiaru hurried out of the hospital. After rowing for a long time, he finally met the little Gongjin, Gongjin A time bomb was tied to his body by Dongcun, and Dongcun set the time on it. A few years ago, he was defeated every time in Japan. It was his belief in revenge that kept him going until now. Dongcun was going to fight Tong Jiaru, Tong Jiaru was a scholar, he was not the opponent of Dongcun at all, Tong Jiaru was beaten unconscious, the timer on the dynamite was still ticking every minute, Tong Jiaru got a moment of sobriety, he resorted to With all his strength, he kicked Dongcun until he passed out. He quickly untied the explosives from Xiao Gongjin and threw them into the river ahead.

Yang Xiao and Guan Dadao rushed over, Dongcun got up from the ground, Yang Xiao killed Dongcun with two fists and kicks, Dong Shumei's revenge was finally avenged, Yang Xiao called Dong Shumei's name with tears in his eyes. The little princess is safe and sound. Tong Jiaru picked up his son and saw Dongcun die in front of him. At this moment, Tong Jiaru waited too long. He staggered and carried his son home. The water birds on the river flew happily, and the reeds Dancing with the wind in the bright sunshine, the situation I have seen in my dreams many times has finally come true today. Tong Jiaru is just one of thousands of Chinese people, but it is because of their persistence and brave national integrity that China is able to Standing in the forest of the world forever!