


《心跳源计划》是由刘一志、韩冬执导,宋茜、罗云熙领衔主演,徐开骋、丁一一、孙佳雨主演的都市情感剧 。该剧根据缪娟的同名小说《掮客》改编。主要讲述了“源计划”实验室的核心研究员裘佳宁与周小山从相遇相知到彼此相爱以及在爱情和理想之间权衡选择的故事  。


【英文介绍/For English】:

"Heartbeat Source Project" Qiu Jianing was expelled from foreign laboratories for "academic misconduct" because her supervisor Professor Harry plagiarized her thesis results and discriminated against Chinese people, thinking that people with black hair and yellow skin Unable to publish papers in authoritative institutions. Qiu Jianing was enraged, and disheartened, she resolutely returned to China to work.

However, because she returned to China with the name of being expelled from a foreign laboratory, and her salary was too high, she was often "gossiped" by her colleagues.

"Heartbeat Source Project" is an urban emotional drama directed by Liu Yizhi and Han Dong, starring Song Qian and Luo Yunxi, starring Xu Kaicheng, Ding Yiyi and Sun Jiayu. The play is adapted from Miao Juan's novel "Broker" of the same name. It mainly tells the story of Qiu Jianing and Zhou Xiaoshan, the core researchers of the "Yuan Project" laboratory, from meeting and acquaintance to falling in love with each other and weighing choices between love and ideals.