


【英文介绍/For English】:

"Moonlight Variations" The Huangquan Inn in Richuan was signed to Xindun. On the first day of Luohe Shenshu’s national debut, Lao Miao found a cosplayer, Yi Shuihan, for the hot spot. Now the venue is in a mess and needs to replace Zhouchuan’s display board. Readers of Luohe Shenshu have been waiting for a long time. Angry, and the activity of buying books and group photos has not stopped, and Zhou Chuan's Weibo is about to explode. It is precisely because of this incident that Zhou Chuan has to sign Huangquan Inn to Xindun.

"Moonlight Variations" is a contemporary urban drama directed by Zhang Boyu, starring Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi, starring Yang Shize and Ma Yinyin. Adapted from the novel of the same name by Qing Mei, the play tells the story of the growth of the editor Chu Li and the author Hiu Chuan. The newly promoted god Zhou Chuan (played by Ding Yuxi) has always claimed that the editor in the Internet age is dead, but unexpectedly meets the fledgling soul catcher-Chu Li (played by Yu Shuxin), the editor-in-chief of Yuanyue Society. This little girl not only hates the gods, but Zhou Chuan also accidentally discovered that she is actually the online netizen Monkey King whom he has been in love with for many years. Riu Chuan, who was called gentle and gentle as a jade son by fans, became an actor teacher with two faces in Chu Li's mouth. The vitality girl and the actor teacher fell in love and killed each other online and offline, and they worked together to write a book and grow together, writing a love and growth story that is sweet and sweet.