


【英文介绍/For English】:

"Hello, An Yi" Li Chengfeng is a bad guy. Cheng Feng sold her to Chen Hao for money. "Hello, An Yi" is an urban sci-fi drama produced by Huacekton Group's Weimu Xingtian Studio, directed by Li Hongyu, starring Ma Tianyu and Qi Wei, and starring Wang Cong and Lin Ludi.

The play tells that in 2035, the advanced artificial intelligence robot "Core Robot" was invented and entered thousands of households to provide convenient services for human beings. And several of these "core machine people" have self-awareness, and have experienced various twists and turns after entering human society. In the end, both the "core machine" family and the Qiao family, a human family, have a story of love and growth. In Shehong City, Qiao Mingyu bought a robot named "Xinshi 2035" to help him take care of his children because of heavy housework, and named her Anyi. However, his wife Luo Yun strongly opposed it, and the two had a big fight. Soon after, they discovered that the robot was behaving very strangely, more like a human than a robot. Li Yao, a young man, is looking for An Yi's whereabouts in the city, while avoiding Professor Huo's pursuit. It turned out that Li Yao's father invented four "core servants" with human emotions to accompany Li Yao. They love brothers and sisters and form a synthetic family. But because of an accident, three of the "core attendants" were stolen. And An Yi was one of Li Yao's family members. She was stolen and her memory was deleted, and she was bought by Qiao Mingyu's family. In the end, Li Yao found An Yi, and with the help of Qiao Mingyu's family, he escaped from Professor Huo's pursuit and reunited with other robot brothers and sisters. As for Qiao Mingyu's family, because of this incident, they are more closely united and love their family members even more. the