

南北朝年间,各方势力割据,江湖动乱不安。“南刀”李徵(胡兵 饰)在湖湘地界建立门派四十八寨,收留落魄的武林人士,并从此避世而居。但随着李徵逝世,江湖名门也相继败落。 多年后,李徵的外孙女周翡(赵丽颖 饰)在洗墨江被一位自称谢允(王一博 饰)的青年男子意外救下,两人从此结下不解之缘。 半年后,周翡和谢允再次在霍家堡黑牢相遇,却同时遭到江湖黑暗势力“地煞山庄”几大高手的追杀,两人因此卷入一场江湖的阴谋浩劫中。 周翡受江湖前辈指点,始终磨砺自己的刀法、并凭着一股“狭路相逢勇者胜”的勇敢杀地煞、平叛乱、擒敌王、救流民;而谢允自始至终陪伴在周翡身边,为她指点进退,二人携手共进,生死不弃,一起平息了一场场江湖动乱。以周翡、谢允为代表的一辈江湖新秀们从此成长为真正的“有匪君子”,周翡也终成一代“南刀”少女宗师!

【英文介绍/For English】:

"You Fei" Xie Yun and Chen Zichen are sworn brothers, and Xie Yun is the sworn brother of the third prince Chen Zichen. "You Fei" is produced by Good Story Films under Huacekton, directed by Wu Jinyuan, starring Zhao Liying and Wang Yibo, Zhang Huiwen, Chen Ruoxuan, Sun Jian, Zhou Jieqiong, Zhang Xinyu, Leng Jiyuan, Dai Xiaoying, Che Xiao, Geng Le, Dong Xuan and Hu Bing special starred in ancient costume martial arts drama.

The play is adapted from Priest's novel "There Are Bandits", which tells the legendary story of Zhou Fei's growth through hard work and the end of the world with his sword. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, various forces separated their regimes, and the rivers and lakes were turbulent. "Nan Dao" Li Zheng (played by Hu Bing) established a sect of forty-eight villages on the border of Hunan to take in downcast martial arts figures and lived in seclusion ever since. But with the death of Li Zheng, the famous families in the world have also declined one after another. Many years later, Li Zheng's granddaughter Zhou Fei (played by Zhao Liying) was accidentally rescued from the Ximo River by a young man who claimed to be Xie Yun (played by Wang Yibo), and the two formed an indissoluble bond ever since. Half a year later, Zhou Fei and Xie Yun met again in the Huojiabao black prison, but at the same time they were chased and killed by several masters of the dark force "Di Sha Villa", and the two were involved in a conspiracy and catastrophe. Under the guidance of his predecessors, Zhou Fei has always sharpened his sword skills, and with the bravery of "meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins" to kill the evil spirits, suppress the rebellion, capture the enemy king, and save the refugees; She pointed out how to advance and retreat, and the two of them worked hand in hand, never giving up life and death, and together quelled the turmoil in the rivers and lakes. A generation of rookies represented by Zhou Fei and Xie Yun have since grown into real "bandit gentlemen", and Zhou Fei has finally become a generation of "Nan Dao" girl masters! the