

遥姬的扮演者是辛芷蕾,1986年4月8日出生于黑龙江省鹤岗市,中国内地女演员,毕业于中央戏剧学院。2011年,参演电视剧《画皮》,从而正式出道。2012年,因出演爱情偶像剧《偏偏爱上你》而受到关注 。2014年,出演谍战悬疑剧《王大花的革命生涯》。2015年,出演3D科幻喜剧电影《不可思异》。2016年,主演魔幻现实主义爱情电影《长江图》。2017年5月,参演的古装宫斗剧《如懿传》杀青;7月,出演古装动作电影《绣春刀Ⅱ:修罗战场》;11月,参加浙江卫视演技竞演类励志综艺《演员的诞生》。2018年主演都市剧《恋爱先生》;2018年,主演古装权谋剧《庆余年》。


【英文介绍/For English】:

In "His Royal Highness Wolf", Yao Ji is known as the beauty of the iceberg. She was adopted by Chu Kui in her early years. She is the sharpest existence among Ye Fu and a secret killer who is good at using poison. Behind the indifference, there are also hidden emotions that are unknown. Yao Ji and King Bo are both Zhu Wen's adopted sons and daughters. They grew up together as childhood sweethearts. Their similar experiences make them special beings in each other's hearts. They can understand each other's meaning without words. But the two drifted away because of the appearance of Ma Zaixing.

The actor of Yao Ji is Xin Zhilei, born on April 8, 1986 in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, an actress from Mainland China, and graduated from the Central Academy of Drama. In 2011, he participated in the TV series "Painted Skin" and made his official debut. In 2012, he received attention for starring in the love idol drama "Falling in Love with You". In 2014, starred in the spy war suspense drama "Wang Dahua's Revolutionary Career." In 2015, starred in the 3D sci-fi comedy movie "Unbelievable". In 2016, starring in the magical realism love movie "The Picture of the Yangtze River". In May 2017, he participated in the ancient costume palace drama "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace"; in July, he starred in the costume action movie "Embroidered Spring Knife II: Asura Battlefield"; The Birth of In 2018, he starred in the urban drama "Mr. Love"; in 2018, he starred in the costume drama "Celebrating More Than Years".

"His Royal Highness Wolf" is directed by Wang Wei and Cao Hua, starring Wang Dalu, Li Qin, Xiao Zhan, Xin Zhilei, Guo Shuyao, Ding Yongdai, Lin Youwei as special stars, and Yan Shikui as a friendly star. The play tells the story of the princess of Kuizhou City, Zhao Xing, who met the young wolf boy who grew up among wolves, and met after eight years of separation. The two fought for love and destiny.