

萧燕燕的扮演者是唐嫣,1983年12月6日出生于上海市,毕业于中央戏剧学院表演系本科班,中国内地影视女演员。2001年,参加第三届舒蕾世纪星选美比赛获得冠军。2004年,因被导演张艺谋选中成为“奥运宝贝”之一,参加雅典奥运会闭幕式“中国8分钟”而被观众熟知。2009年,凭借古装仙侠剧《仙剑奇侠传三》获得关注 。2011年1月22日,其主演的都市言情剧《夏家三千金》取得卫视年度收视冠军,而唐嫣亦凭借该剧获得国剧盛典年度网络最受欢迎内地女演员奖。2012年,成立唐嫣工作室。2013年,因主演动作剧《X女特工》获得第13届华鼎奖中国近代革命题材电视剧最佳女演员及国剧盛典年度极具商业价值演员。2014年,因主演古装剧《金玉良缘》获得第5届中国大学生电视节最受欢迎女演员;同年,她还凭借爱情电影《露水红颜》获得第3届国际华语电影节金骑士奖最佳女配角奖。



【英文介绍/For English】:

"Yanyuntai" Xiao Yanyan is the third daughter of Prime Minister Xiao Siwen and Princess Yan. She is smart and competitive by nature, and as a young girl, she is deeply loved by her parents. She is persistent and enthusiastic about everything, and does not give up easily. She and Hande Rang were childhood sweethearts, and they had been destined for life long ago, but because of a trick of fate, they ran into Liao Jingzong Ye Luxian, and opened a legendary life. He and Yeluxian had a son, Yelulongxu. After his son ascended the throne, he served as the queen mother, and later married Han Derang again as the queen mother, and became the ruler of the Liao Kingdom.

Xiao Yanyan is played by Tang Yan, who was born in Shanghai on December 6, 1983. She graduated from the undergraduate class of the Central Academy of Drama and is a film and television actress in Mainland China. In 2001, she participated in the third Shulei Century Star Beauty Pageant and won the championship. In 2004, he was selected by the director Zhang Yimou as one of the "Olympic Babies" and participated in the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games "China 8 Minutes" and became well-known to the audience. In 2009, he gained attention by virtue of the ancient costume fairy tale "Legend of Sword and Fairy III". On January 22, 2011, the urban romance drama "Xiajia Sanqianjin" starring in it won the annual ratings champion of Satellite TV, and Tang Yan also won the Most Popular Mainland Actress Award on the Internet at the National Drama Festival for this drama. In 2012, Tang Yan studio was established. In 2013, she won the 13th Huading Award for Best Actress in Modern Chinese Revolutionary TV Dramas and the Most Commercially Valuable Actor of the Year in the National Drama Festival for starring in the action drama "X Female Agent". In 2014, she won the Most Popular Actress in the 5th China College Student Television Festival for starring in the costume drama "Golden Jade Love"; in the same year, she also won the Golden Knight Award for Best Actress in the 3rd International Chinese Film Festival for her love movie "Dewy Beauty". Supporting actor award.

At the beginning of 2015, the urban love drama "Why Shengxiaomo" starring Tang Yan, the Republic of China love drama "A Thousand Gold Female Thieves" and the Republic of China idol drama "Live Color and Fragrance" were broadcast on three first-line satellite TVs, and the ratings Both ranked the national champion and top three at the same time; subsequently, she also won the 17th Huading Award for Best Actress in a Contemporary TV Series with "Why Shengxiaomo". In 2016, Tang Yan served as the Goddess of the Golden Eagle in the 11th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival; in the same year, she also won the Best Actress in the 22nd Huading Awards for China's Top 100 TV Dramas for her costume drama "Splendid Weiyang". In 2017, starring in the urban love drama "Time Knows".

The TV series "Yanyuntai" is produced by Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., directed by Jiang Jiajun, Jiang Shengnan as the screenwriter, Tang Yan, Dou Xiao, Charmaine Sheh, Jing Chao, Tan Kai, Liu Yijun, Lu Shan, Ji Chen, Ning Li, etc. The ancient costume legendary love drama. The play is adapted from Jiang Shengnan's novel of the same name, telling the story of Xiao Yanyan, the iron-blooded beauty of Daliao, who, with her daring character and foresight vision, pushed Daliao to the road of prosperity with the joint efforts of Han Derang, Ye Luxian and others.