

《旗袍美探》是由邓科执导,马伊琍、高伟光领衔主演,董璇特别出演,卜冠今、吴昊宸、徐绍瑛、刘已航、郭秋成主演的年代探案剧 。该剧讲述了在二十世纪三十年代的老上海,法租界警务局中央巡捕房探员苏雯丽和探长罗秋恒一同破解悬案的故事。

【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Qipao Beauty Detective", Mrs. Tang was killed by Dong Haoyu. In the play, Mrs. Tang gave all her inheritance to Xu Senran. Tang Ruyue thought of stealing money when she was unhappy, but Dong Haoyu became murderous towards Mrs. Tang. Mrs. Tang finally died at the hands of Dong Haoyu. He knew the location of the water tower before, that is, he chose to kill Mrs. Tang here. This was planned by Dong Haoyu long ago. the

"Qipao Beauty Detective" is directed by Deng Ke, starring Ma Yili and Gao Weiguang, Dong Xuan is a special star, and starring Bu Guanjin, Wu Haochen, Xu Shaoying, Liu Weihang and Guo Qiucheng. The play tells the story of Su Wenli, an agent from the Central Police Department of the French Concession Police Department, and Luo Qiuheng, an agent of the Central Police Department of the French Concession, working together to solve unsolved cases in old Shanghai in the 1930s.