
浮世双娇传》里符玉盏嫁给了薛荣,成为了皇后。符玉盏是符氏长女,她雍容华贵,恬静沉稳,⽟盏聪慧内敛,智勇⽆双。不仅是 性格沉稳的大家闺秀,还有着身处 危机 依然临危不乱的气度。因“符⼥帝后”的传说⽽卷⼊了权⼒更迭⽃争,但即使身处逆境,她却依然有掌控全局的⽓度与⾃信。


【英文介绍/For English】:

In "The Legend of the Floating World", Fu Yuzhan married Xue Rong and became the queen. Fu Yuzhan is the eldest daughter of the Fu family. She is graceful and luxurious, quiet and steady, while Yuzhan is intelligent and restrained, wise and brave. Not only is she a lady with a calm personality, but she also has the demeanor to remain unruffled in a crisis. Because of the legend of "Empress Fu", she was involved in the struggle for power change, but even in adversity, she still had the tolerance and confidence to control the overall situation.

"The Legend of the Floating World" is an inspirational romantic drama in ancient costumes co-directed by Lan Zhiwei and Huang Jiahui, starring Li Zhiting, Meng Ziyi, Li Yitong and Wang Zhuocheng. The play tells the story of the Fu sisters Fu Yuzhan and Fu Jinzhan, who were pushed to the forefront because of a nursery rhyme "The Empress Fu", and the prince Xue Rong and the ranger Jiang Shao experienced and grew up in the floating world. It is a story of being the leader, firm in ideals and sticking to feelings, and finally both of them join hands to achieve transformation.