





【英文介绍/For English】:

At the beginning of the year, there was a hit drama "Eastern Palace", once it was launched, the sadomasochistic relationship between the male and female protagonists can be said to have earned enough tears for the "East Palace Girl". Then it was quietly removed from the shelves. At that time, the offline of "Eastern Palace" was full of uproar, and it was directly on the hot search, and the comments of netizens also exploded. Various speculations and "exclusive information", some said that the ancient order was restricted; some said that it would be on Satellite TV Yes; there are those who say that they need to be deleted and put online, etc. But here comes the good news. Now the crew of "East Palace" has announced the recall order of "East Palace Girls" on Weibo, re-experience the beautiful love between Li Chengyin and Qu Xiaofeng. Why can "East Palace" start from a high-yielding web drama? It stands out from the crowd, and the reason for the recommendation is Amway.

The first point is due to the influence of the original work. As we all know, the costume romance drama "East Palace" directed by Li Muge is adapted from the long love novel written by Bandit Wo Sicun. The storyline progressed very well. Moreover, most of the plots that the audience likes are the kind of sadomasochism. The two dramas like "Sweet Honey, Ashes Like Frost" and "Eastern Palace" are the plots that everyone likes after they go online. The leading actors of "East Palace" are not Very well-known, they are all new-generation actors, but after going online, they became popular with their own strength and won the favor of netizens. However, the ending of "East Palace" is tragic. In the end, Xiaofeng and Li Chengjin were not together after all. Especially when Xiaofeng committed suicide, Li Chengjin hugged her and cried bitterly, begging her not to die. I believe that all the "East Palace girls" in front of the screen will shed tears for this relationship.

The second point is that new actors have lived up to expectations and won praises for their acting skills. No distractions are the advantages of newcomers in the film and television industry. They are not bound by labels such as traffic and strength. Whether it is Chen Xingxu who plays "Li Chengyin and Gu Xiaowu", or Peng Xiaoran who plays "Xiaofeng", they have a solid grasp of the roles. In particular, Peng Xiaoran interpreted Xiaofeng's innocence and eccentricity just right. From the beginning, the editor still hated this character a little, but later on, I found her more and more cute. The whole play is paired with old drama talents such as Siqin Gaowa and Wang Zhifei, which makes the cast of the whole play even more outstanding.

"Peerless sweet drama, not to be missed", the two leading actors Chen Xingxu and Peng Xiaoran have promoted "East Palace" on Weibo. After the comeback, "Eastern Palace" absorbed the audience's opinions and changed the theme song to "Love and Death".

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